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Forces of the city clash with forces of bodies, that consciously and unconsciously articulate and exaggerate the manifold sensitivities within an ever-changing urban society. Against this backdrop, the international symposium Dancing About Architecture curated by Constanza Macras and Lukas Feireiss, brings together diverse positions in the interdisciplinary discussion of dramaturgy, dance, music, architecture and urban space.
Stephen Barber (Kingston University, London)
Gascia Ouzounian (Queen’s University, Belfast)
Christopher Dell (Institut für Improvisationstechnologie, Berlin)
Andrew Todd (Studio Andrew Todd/Theatrum Mundi, Paris)
Gob Squad (Berlin / Nottingham)
Lisi Estaras & Nicolas Vladyslav (Les Ballets C de la B, Belgium & Argentina)
// 19:30 // Welcome Guests at Schaubühne Berlin Café
// 20:00 // MEGALOPOLIS at Saal A
// 19:00 – 21:00 // Reception Guest and Symposium Talk with Stephan Barber and Lisi Estaras at Studio 44
// 14:00 – 17:00 // Workshop “The Physical Shelter” with Lisi Estaras and Nicolas Vladyslav at Studio 44
// 18:30 // Symposium Talk with Gascia Ouzounian and Simon Will at ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory at Pefferberg
// 15:00 – 18:00 // Workshop “The Physical Shelter” with Lisi Estaras and Nicolas Vladyslav at Studio 44
// 20:00 // – Show BERLIN ELSEWHERE at Schaubühne Berlin
// 16:00 – 18:00 // Symposium Talk with Stephen Barber, Gascia Ouzounian, Andrew Todd, Christopher Dell at Schaubühne Berlin Saal A
// 20:00 // Show BERLIN ELSEWHERE at Schaubühne Saal A
Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber is author of numerous books on international performance cultures, including three studies of the work of Antonin Artaud (most recently, on the final notebooks: Artaud: Terminal Curses, 2008), and books on the Japanese performer/theorist Tatsumi Hijikata, on the work of Jean Genet, and on the films of the Vienna Action Group’s performances. He has also published many books on urban cultures in relation to performance, film, photography and digital art; His recent books are: Muybridge: The Eye in Motion (Chicago University Press, “Solar” series, 2012), England’s Darkness (Sun Vision Press, 2013) and Performance Projections: Film and The Body in Action (Reaktion, 2014). He is currently Professor of Visual Culture at Kingston University in London. He is Fellow of the International Research Center, Interweaving Performance Cultures, at Free University Berlin, and Professor in the Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture at Kingston University, London.
Christopher Dell
Christopher Dell, doctor of philosohphy, lives and works as theoretician, artist and musician in Berlin. He has held a position as visiting teacher for Architecture Theory at the University of Fine Arts Berlin, visiting professor for Urban Design Theory at HafenCity University, Hamburg (where he also co-lead the research-project „University of Neighbourhoods“) and the Technical University, Munich. Since 2009 he is member of the ANCB Network Campus executive board.Teachings a.o. at Architectural Association, London, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, Columbia University New York, Academie for Bouwkunst, Arnhem. Dell is author of numerous articles and books „Improvisations on Urbanity“ Rotterdam 2009 (with Ton Matton), „Tacit Urbanism“, Rotterdam 2009, and REPLAYCITY (Berlin 2011), “Die improvisierende Organisation”, Bielefeld 2012, “Ware:Wohnen!”, Berlin 2013, “Das Urbane” Berlin 2014.
Lisi Estaras
1971, Cordoba (AR) Lisi studied dance in Cordoba (Argentina) and later on in Jerusalem in the Rubin Academy of Music and Dance. Later on she danced with the Ensemble Batsheva in Tel Aviv.Since 1997 Lisi works with les ballet C de la B. She danced in Iets op Bach, Wolf, vsprs, pitié!, C(H)ŒURS by Alain Platel, and Tempus Fugit by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.Through the years Lisi developed her own work; she created and performed in Bartime (Campo, Ghent), Cocina Erotica and No Wonder with Constanza Macras (Schaubuhnne, Berlin).At les ballets C de la B she directed Patchagonia, Bolero, The Gaza Monologues, primero and her latest piece, Dans Dans; in coproduction with het Kip (Ghent).
Gob Squad
Gob Squad is a British-German collective based in Nottingham and Berlin. They have worked collaboratively since 1994 in the fields of performance, video installation and theatre. They create mid-scale work that combines audience interaction with real-time video editing. The collective often use popular culture to explore the complexities of everyday life in urban spaces – in houses, shops, underground stations, car parks, hotels or directly on the street. Here reality and entertainment are set on a collision course and the audience are often asked to step beyond their traditional role as passive spectators and bear witness to the results.
Gascia Ouzounian
Gascia Ouzounian (BMus, MMus McGill University, PhD UC San Diego) is Lecturer in Creative Arts at Queen’s University Belfast. She has published and lectured widely on the topic of sound and space, focusing on such areas as sound installation art, site-specific sound, the history of spatial audio, acoustic mapping, and sound art in public and urban spaces. Ouzounian is committed to bringing the work of contemporary composers and sound artists to new forums. As a violinist and artist she has performed and presented her work across North America and Europe. Ouzounian is founder of Optophono, a label that publishes interactive sound and multimedia works (see, and along with architect Sarah Lappin initiated the interdisciplinary research group Recomposing the City: Sonic Art and Urban Architecture at the Institite for Collaborative Research in the Humanities at Quenn’s University, Belfast.
Andrew Todd
Andrew Todd studied English at Cambridge and architecture at the University of Pennsylvania before moving to Paris, where he established his own architecture practice Studio Andrew Todd. The architecture and scenography practice has completed projects throughout Europe with a particular emphasis on spaces for the performing arts. Todd is co-author of the book ‘Peter Brook’s Theatre Environments’ (faber), written in collaboration with theatre director Peter Brook. He’s also part of Theatrum Mundi, a professional network of urbanists and artists in different cities, started by Richard Sennett. The collective consists of academics, architects, planners, performing and visual artists, with the aim to stimulate discussion about practices spanning stage and street. Andrew was made Chevalier des Arts et Lettres in 2011 by the French government for services towards the integration of different artistic disciplines.
Production Management: Katharina Wallisch
Production Office: René Dombrowski